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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Top 10 Municipal Minute Posts of 2024

It’s that time of year folks! Today, we highlight the top 10 Municipal Minute blog posts of 2024. Thank you for your continued readership of Municipal Minute.

U.S. Supreme Court’s Analysis: Use of Social Media by Government Officials

The Supreme Court held that when a government official or employee posts on social media, the official’s or employee's speech will only be attributable to the government in limited circumstances. The Court adopted a two-factor test that looks at whether the official or employee had actual authority from the government and exercises that authority in his or her social media activities..

First Amendment Auditor Case Decided in Massachusetts

In a First Amendment auditor case, a Massachusetts court held that individual school defendants did not have qualified immunity for First Amendment claims.

PAC Finds Village Board Meetings Were Not Open or Convenient Under OMA

Village Board Meetings with limited seating capacity and heightened security measures did not properly accommodate the public under the OMA.

Regulating Election and Campaign Signs

To stay ahead of possible election issues, public bodies should confirm their sign ordinances do not single out political signs and that they allow candidates to place temporary signs on public property used as a polling place.

It’s Time to Establish Elected Officials’ Compensation for Terms Starting in 2025

The Local Government Officer Compensation Act specifies the compensation of elected officers must be fixed 180 days before the beginning of their terms.

New Illinois Law Regulates Low-Speed Electric Scooters

P.A. 103-0899 amends the Illinois Vehicle Code to add provisions for low-speed electric scooters.

Changes to Building Code Statutes

P.A. 103-0510 amends the Capital Development Board and the Illinois Residential Building Code Act to establish certain filing requirements for local codes and to further the standardization of building codes, among other changes.

Newly Hired Independent Contractor Reporting Requirements under Unemployment Insurance Act

All employers, including units of local government, must report newly hired employees and independent contractors within 20 days after the date the employee or contractor begins employment.

Court Upholds Contiguity Determination in Annexation Challenge

An Appellate Court ruled in favor of a city, finding a 19.5 shared boundary met the contiguity requirements for the annexation to be valid.

Seventh Circuit Upholds Denial of Outdoor Athletic Lights

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a City in a lawsuit filed by a private religious school that claimed the City violated RLUIPA, the Free Exercise Clause, and vested rights law when the City denied a permit for outdoor athletic lighting.

Post Authored by Alexis Carter & Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink


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