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First Amendment Audit Trainings, 2022-2023

Social Media & Park Districts, IAPD, 2023

Keeping it Legal on Social Media, ILA Conference, October 2015
ILA Social Media

FOIA session, ILA Conference, October 2015

Time, Place & Manner: Regulating Non-Traditional Speech, IAPD Conference, 2015
PowerPoint Presentation

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act
A summary of a public body's compliance requirements under FOIA, August, 2014

Communicating in an Electronic Age
APA Planning Magazine, April 2014

The Practical Real Estate Lawyer, September, 2013

Central Illinois Municipal Law Seminar Handout
Central Illinois Municipal Law Seminar, June 20, 2014

Labor & Employment Program Handout
Waubonsee Community College Communities of Excellence Program, May 7, 2014


Handling the Land Use Case, Thomson Reuters, 2023-2024

Social Media and Local Governments: Navigating the New Public Square (ABA Press, 2013), 2nd edition forthcoming

Miscellaneous land use articles


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    1. Each publication is hyperlinked so you should be able to access all of these publications and articles by clicking on the title. Thank you for your interest in Municipal Minute!
