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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Press Association Objects to FOIA/OMA Exception in Concealed Carry Law

The Illinois legislature did not accomplish much this session (pension reform anyone?), but it did address guns and pot (the latter was reported on previously on the blog).  With respect to guns, the General Assembly passed HB 183, the concealed carry bill, just shortly before the court-ordered deadline.  We previously reported on the blog about the Seventh Circuit’s ruling that Illinois’ concealed carry ban was unconstitutional and that the legislature had 180 days to adopt a legislative fix. 
This bill is nothing if not controversial, and we will be discussing the details in future posts.  The current hubbub comes from the Illinois Press Association, who is objecting to language in the bill that would exempt a newly created licensing board from both FOIA and the Open Meetings Act.  The IPA’s position is that the legislation would effectively seal all records of the new board that is responsible for reviewing concealed-carry permit applications flagged by local police.  The IPA also objects to meetings of the board being off-limits to the public.  The IPA is not, however, objecting to the confidentiality of personal information about gun owners or people who apply for concealed-carry permits.
Post Authored by Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink


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