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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Act Expands Reasons for Remote Attendance by Member of Public Body

The Governor recently approved P.A. 103-311 that amends the Illinois Open Meetings Act to expand the permissible reasons for a member of a public body to attend a meeting electronically. 

Section 7 of the OMA currently authorizes a member of a public body to attend a meeting electronically if the public body has adopted a policy to authorize electronic attendance and the member's reason for attending electronically meets the statutory qualifications. Prior to this amendment, a member could attend electronically (if approved by the public body) if he or she was absent due to (1) personal illness or disability; (2) employment purposes or the business of the public body; or (3) a family or other emergency. With this recent OMA amendment, Section 7 of the OMA also authorizes a member of a public body to attend remotely if the absence is due to an "unexpected childcare obligation."


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