A Recap of the Top 10 Posts of 2016
Thank you all for your continued readership of Municipal Minute and a warm welcome to 2017! Here's a shout out to the top 10 blog posts of 2016. Enjoy!
1. City Sued for Blocking Residents From Facebook Page
2. Important New Law Requires Adoption of Local Expense Reimbursement Policy
3. Illinois Supreme Court Abolishes Public Duty Rule
4. Public Body Cannot Ban Criticism at Public Meetings
5. Local Government Wage Transparency Act Signed by Governor
6. New Sick Leave Law in Illinois
7. PAC Sticks to its Position that Emails on Private Devices Are Subject to FOIA
8. Illinois Supreme Court Addresses Takings Clause in Temporary Flooding Case
9. Cook County Adopts Minimum Wage Ordinance
10. Court Interprets "Public Recital" Requirement of OMA Prior to Final Action
Post Authored by Julie Tappendorf
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