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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bill Requires Governments to Post Officials' E-Mail Addresses

UPDATE:  The General Assembly did not pass this bill, but did approve a similar bill that became law on January 1, 2015.  You can read more about the new law here.

The Illinois Senate recently passed SB 3106, that would amend the Local Records Act to require all units of local government and school districts that maintain "Internet websites" (but excluding social media sites) to post electronic contact information (presumably e-mail addresses) for all elected and appointed officials on their websites.  The bill would preempt home-rule authority.

It's not clear how this particular piece of legislation has anything to do with the Local Records Act, which deals with the retention of government records, not the creation of new government records for communication purposes.  We will continue to monitor this bill and report back after the Illinois House takes action.

Post Authored by Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink


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