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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reminder to Post Sign for Concealed Carry Ban

As you know, Illinois recently enacted the Firearm Concealed Carry Act to allow limited concealed carry in the state. Certain facilities in the state are listed in the new law as "prohibited areas" where the carrying of a firearm is banned. These banned facilities must "clearly and conspicuously" post 4" x 6" standardized signs approved by Illinois State Police ("ISP") at the entrance informing the public that firearm possession is not allowed.

Although the law became effective on July 9, 2013, the ISP only recently released its approved sign on its website. A reduced-size image of the approved sign is below:

The Act does not identify who is responsible for posting the sign, or whether the failure to post a sign will affect the validity of the prohibition on firearm possession. Nevertheless, many of these listed prohibited areas are owned or controlled by units of local government, and we recommend that the governmental body take action to post the required sign in the facilities they own or control. Prohibited areas include:
    government buildings
    schools and areas within 1,000 feet of school grounds
    parks and playgrounds
    day cares 
    public gatherings requiring a permit
    public transit vehicles
    racetracks, stadiums, and casinos
    amusement parks, museums, and zoos
    establishments that primarily serve alcoholic beverages (bars and taverns)

The approved sign should be posted in prohibited areas as soon as possible. However, local governments may want to consider using a temporary sign at this time because the ISP is considering proposed rules that would allow prohibited areas to install larger signs that include additional language. The proposed rules will be subject to a hearing in December 2013, and we will keep you posted on these draft rules.

Post Authored by Dan Bolin, Ancel Glink.


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