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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ancel Glink Has A New Website!

As of 1:00 p.m. today (November 29, 2012), Ancel Glink's new and improved website went "live."  Features include updated attorney biographies with photos on the "Our People" page.  Detailed information about the firm's practice areas can be found at the "Practice Areas" page.  You can learn more about the firm and its history on the "About Us" page.  We also added a brand new feature called "Recent News" where we will report on events and activities of interest to our local government clients. Visitors will still be able to download for free the entire Ancel Glink Library, as well as other publications, presentations, white papers, and a variety of other materials in our expanded and user-friendly Resource Center. 

We invite you to check out our new website at http://ancelglink.com.


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