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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

City's Designation of Historic District Upheld by Appellate Court

In 2007, the Chicago City Council adopted an ordinance designating an area of the City as the Arlington-Deming Historic District. That ordinance was challenged in court on various grounds, including that it violated a property owner's due process and equal protection rights and that it was arbitrary and capricious and did not meet the "rational basis" test for legislative decision. Litigation continued for almost 20 years, resulting in numerous trial court and appellate court rulings on various claims in the lawsuit. The last of the remaining claims in the lawsuit were the subject of a trial court ruling that upheld the City's designation of the historic district, and that decision was recently the subject of a decision by the Illinois Appellate Court. Robinson v. City of Chicago, 2025 IL App (1st) 232174.

On March 24, 2025, the Appellate Court upheld the trial court's ruling in favor of the City, upholding the ordinance designating the historic district. First, the Court held that the City has a legitimate government interest in preserving historic properties and areas and that the City's decision to designate this area as an historic district "bears a rational relationship" to that purpose. As a result, the Court held that the City's designation ordinance satisfied the "rational basis" test for a legislative decision. The Court rejected the plaintiff's argument that the ordinance should be invalidated because the City allegedly failed to follow its own standards in designating the district, holding that an ordinance of a home rule municipality is not invalid for failure to follow self-imposed standards. The Court also rejected plaintiff's argument that the LaSalle factors test (which applies to challenges to zoning decisions) should have been used in this case, finding that the LaSalle factors did not apply to this challenge of historic district designation.

In sum, the Appellate Court upheld the trial court's grant of summary judgment to the City on all remaining claims in this lawsuit, upholding the designation of this historic district.

Disclaimer: Ancel Glink represented the City at the summary judgment phase at the trial court in this case.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal of Tax Misallocation Dispute

Last year we reported on an Illinois Appellate Court decision in a tax allocation dispute between two municipalities where sales tax revenues generated from a restaurant located in the Village of Arlington Heights (Village) were mistakenly paid to the City of Rolling Meadows (City) for almost a decade. In January of last year, the Appellate Court held that the trial court erred in dismissing the case because the trial court did have jurisdiction to hear and decide this dispute.  

That ruling was subsequently appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court, which issued a decision this week reversing the Appellate Court and upholding the trial court's previous dismissal of the Village's lawsuit against the City. The Illinois Supreme Court determined that the Illinois Department of Revenue has exclusive jurisdiction over tax matters, including misallocation disputes, so the trial court's dismissal of the Village's case against the City for lack of jurisdiction was proper. Village of Arlington Heights v. City of Rolling Meadows.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Illinois Appellate Court Upholds Push Tax Ordinance

In Illinois Gaming Machine Operators v. The City of Waukegan, the Illinois Gaming Machine Operators Association (IGMOA) and a group of plaintiffs sued the City to challenge an ordinance that imposed a one cent tax per push (push tax) on players of video game terminals. The City’s push tax ordinance required every terminal operator (a company that leases video gaming machines to bars or restaurants) to register as a tax collector and imposed a duty to secure the tax from their customers. The trial court upheld the ordinance and ruled that it was a permissible use of municipal authority. 

On appeal, the Appellate Court upheld the City's ordinance, rejecting the terminal operators' challenge.

First, the Appellate Court ruled that the push tax ordinance did not impose an unconstitutional occupation tax because the tax burden rested solely on the player and could not be transferred to the terminal operator.

Second, the Court ruled the push tax ordinance was not a license for revenue because enforcement provisions only imposed penalties and merely ensured compliance.

Third, the Court ruled that the ordinance did not contradict the uniformity clause of the Illinois constitution that requires taxes to be uniformly imposed across classes of goods. The terminal operators had argued that because the ordinance only imposed taxes on push machines, and not on automatic machines, the ordinance violated this clause. The court rejected that argument, finding that the City had provided sufficient justification for the ordinance and imposition of the push tax.

Finally, the Court ruled that the tax collection mechanism did not exceed the City’s home-rule authority. The terminal operators had argued the funds inserted into the gaming machines were outside of the City’s grasp because they did not pertain to the City’s government and affairs. The Court discussed the different ways the tax could be collected and ultimately ruled that there are permissible mechanisms for the City to collect the tax funds.

Post Authored by Alexis Carter & Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink

Friday, March 14, 2025

Appellate Court Holds City did not Owe a Duty of Care to an Injured Motorcyclist

In Calhoun v. City of Evanston, a motorcyclist sued the City after crashing his motorcycle on the base of a crosswalk sign. The sign had become detached from the base, leaving only a small, elevated platform. The motorcyclist struck this platform and suffered a broken leg and injured wrist.

The motorcyclist filed a negligence complaint against the City claiming the City did not properly remove or warn people of the hazard. The trial court held that 1) the City did not owe the motorcyclist a duty, 2) the base of the crosswalk sign was not hazardous, 3) the base of the crosswalk sign was an open and obvious danger, and 4) the City was immune under the Tort Immunity Act.

The Appellate Court also ruled in favor of the City, finding that the City did not owe the motorcyclist a duty because it did not have notice of the hazard. The motorcyclist had claimed that the City had notice because one of the responding officers allegedly agreed that the crosswalk base was a hazard, and the City should have fixed it. The Appellate Court considered this but ultimately held that the police officer’s statement did prove the City had actual notice of the hazard because there were no records of the hazard in the City’s files.

In the alternative, the motorcyclist alleged that the City should have known of the hazard because it was plainly visible. While the Appellate Court agreed that the hazard was visible, the crosswalk base was less than 2 inches tall and only posed a small threat of harm. 

Because the motorcyclist could not establish that the City had notice of the alleged hazardous condition, and the condition did not pose a substantial risk of harm, the City was not liable for the injury. 

Post Authored by Alexis Carter & Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Clerk's Refusal to Certify Candidate's Nomination Papers

In November 2024, an independent candidate for Mayor (Candidate) filed his nomination papers for the Consolidated Election with the Village Clerk. After a lottery was held to determine the Candidate’s ballot position, the Clerk notified the Candidate that his name would not be certified to the ballot, because the Candidate’s papers were not in “apparent conformity” with the requirements of the Election Code. Specifically, the Clerk informed the Candidate that he would not be certified to the ballot because he was also running for the office of Trustee of the South Suburban College Board, and the two offices e were incompatible.

The Candidate filed a lawsuit asking the court to order the Clerk to certify his name to the ballot. The Candidate claimed the Clerk had a “duty” to certify his name to the ballot, because he properly filed his nomination papers. The Clerk asked the court to dismiss the case, arguing that the Candidate failed to establish the 3 key elements of a claim for mandamus: (1) a clear right to relief, (2) a clear duty of the Clerk to act, and (3) clear authority for the Clerk to comply with the requested mandamus order.

At the court hearing, the Candidate claimed the Clerk exceeded his authority by evaluating issues beyond the “apparent conformity” of his candidate papers (i.e., looked outside the candidate's filing). Because the issue of office compatibility was not within the Clerk’s power to evaluate, the Candidate argued the Clerk erred by refusing to certify the Candidate’s name to the ballot. 

The trial court granted the Clerk's motion to dismiss the case and the Candidate appealed. On appeal, the Appellate Court noted that in order state a viable claim for mandamus, the Candidate had to establish the 3 elements for mandamus, which the Appellate Court determined he failed to do. For example, the Court held that the Candidate failed to allege facts showing that he filed his nomination papers as required by the Election Code, or that his papers were in “apparent conformity” with the Election Code. Without these facts in his complaint to show he had a clear right to relief, the Appellate Court held that the Candidate could not show that the Clerk had a duty to certify his name to the ballot. As a result, the Appellate Court upheld the trial court's decision to dismiss his complaint. The Appellate Court did not assess the “apparent conformity” issue, or whether the offices sought by the Candidate were incompatible. Solomon v. Wiseman

Post Authored by Erin Monforti, Ancel Glink

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Quorum Forum Podcast Ep 91: New Developments in Planning Caselaw

Ancel Glink's Quorum Forum Podcast just released Episode 91: New Developments in Planning Caselaw

Recently, Ancel Glink attorneys Megan MackErin Monforti, and Katie Nagy participated in the Planning Webcast Series hosted by the Ohio chapter of the American Planning Association and presented by the Illinois chapter. The session covers key cases impacting local governments and planning professionals, ranging from regulatory takings and impact fees to group homes, zoning regulations, and homelessness. 

You can listen to this new podcast here.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Court Finds that Firefighter/Paramedic Entitled to PSEBA Benefits

In a recent case involving an interpretation of the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act (PSEBA), the Appellate Court held that a municipality should have granted PSEBA benefits to a firefighter/paramedic. Ford v. Village of Northbrook.

A firefighter/paramedic was injured while transferring a patient to the hospital after responding to a call for service. He applied for, and was granted, a line-of-duty disability pension. Subsequently, he applied for PSEBA benefits, which provide health insurance benefits to public safety employees who meet a two part test. First, the employee must have suffered a catastrophic injury in the line-of-duty and second, that injury must have occured as the result of: (1) the officer's response to fresh pursuit; (2) the officer or firefigher's response to what is reasonably believed to be an emergency; (3) an unlawful act perpetrated by another; or (4) during the investigation of a criminal act.

The municipality denied the PSEBA application, finding that although the firefighter/paramedic did meet the first part of the test (that he had suffered a catastrophic injury since he was awarded a line-of-duty disability), the municipality determined that he did not suffer his injury as the result of responding to an emergency.

The firefighter/paramedic filed an appeal of the municipality's decision with the circuit court, which found the municipality's decision to be in error and that he was entitled to PSEBA benefits.

On appeal to the Appellate Court, the Court agreed with the circuit court that the municipality should have granted PSEBA benefits to the firefighter/paramedic. The Court held that the call was assigned priority 1 by dispatch, the patient was observed to be too weak to stand, presented with pale skin, was on numerous medications, and was given oxygen, all of which could support a reasonable belief by the firefighter/paramedic that he was faced with an emergency. The Court rejected the municipality's argument that even if there had been an emergency, that no longer existed at the time of transfer of the patient, which was when the injury occurred. 

In conclusion, the Court found that the firefighter/paramedic was injured as a result of his response to what he reasonably believed to be an emergency and, therefore, was entitled to PSEBA benefits.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Candidate's Appeal Dismissed For Failure to Serve Petition on Individual Electoral Board Members

In a recent judicial appeal to an Electoral Board decision that struck a candidate from the ballot, the Illinois Appellate Court dismissed the appeal for lack of jurisdiction because the candidate failed to serve a copy of the judicial petition on the individual members of the Electoral Board. Williams v. Municipal Officers Electoral Board.

The Appellate Court noted that the service requirement of Section 10-10.1(a) was amended in 2024. The new language requires the party seeking judicial review of an Electoral Board decision to serve a copy of the petition "upon each of the respondents named in the petition for judicial review..." The "respondents" are identified in that Section as "the electoral board, its members, and the prevailing candidates or objectors in the initial proceeding before the [Electoral Board]."

Although the candidate did serve the objector and the Electoral Board, she did not serve the petition on each of the individual members of the Electoral Board. The Court found that to be fatal to her judicial appeal, holding that the General Assembly's amendment to the service requirement expressly requires that service of the judicial petition be made on each individual member of the Electoral Board, and not just on the Board itself.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Candidate For Mayor Removed From Ballot

In a recent election challenge, an Illinois Appellate Court held that a city clerk did not have a conflict of interest to participate as a member of the Electoral Board and struck a candidate's name from the ballot for failing to fasten her nomination papers for candidacy. Benda v. Parkinson, et al.

A candidate for office of mayor filed nomination papers and other candidacy documents. An objector filed an objection to her candidacy on several bases, including that the nomination papers were not properly fastened and numbered consecutively, among other allegations. The City's Electoral Board scheduled a hearing on the objection, and the candidate's attorney objected to the city clerk sitting on the Electoral Board as the attorney argued she was going to be called as a witness. The Electoral Board Chairman rejected that argument, and the hearing proceeded. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Electoral Board ruled that the candidate's name must be removed from the ballot for failure to comply with the Election Code, including that the candidate's nomination papers were not properly fastened as required by section 10-4.

The candidate appealed the Electoral Board's ruling and the circuit court upheld the Electoral Board's decision and found no conflict of interest with regard to the city clerk serving on the Electoral Board.

On appeal, the Appellate Court also upheld the Electoral Board's decision that the candidate should not appear on the ballot. The Appellate Court rejected the candidate's argument that her due process rights were violated because the city clerk remained on the Electoral Board because the city clerk did not appear as a witness at the hearing. The Appellate Court also upheld the Electoral Board's finding that the nomination papers were not properly fastened, finding that there was testimony at the hearing that the paper clip was removed from the nomination papers before it was filed. As a result, the Appellate Court upheld the Board's decision, finding support for the candidate's removal from the ballot.

One Justice dissented from the majority opinion, and would have found a due process violation based on the Electoral Board's refusal to allow the city clerk to testify.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Cook County Tax Exempt Affidavit Information

For all of our Cook County government bodies who read Municipal Minute, we wanted to remind you of the requirement to file a tax exemption affidavit with the Assessor’s Office on or before January 31 of each year for property owned by the government body for the 2024 assessment year. In the past, the Cook County Assessor's Office sent out a notice to each Cook County taxing body with each taxing bodies’ unique agency control number, password, and a link to complete the application. Based on discussions with some Cook County government bodies, it isn't clear whether the Assessor’s Office has sent this notice for the 2025 filing or if some government bodies have not yet received the notice.

Fortunately, Cook County taxing bodies can still sign in to complete the 2025 affidavit by using their 2024 agency control number and password credentials at the link provided below. Since it is uncertain when Cook County government bodies will receive their 2025 notices, they should ensure that they complete their 2025 affidavit filing as soon possible.

The link to the 2025 tax exempt affidavit application can be found here

Post Authored by Eugene Bolotnikov, Ancel Glink

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Appellate Court Rules New Party Candidates for Village Office Should Be on the Ballot

An Illinois Appellate Court recently overturned an Electoral Board’s decision disqualifying a new party’s slate of candidates for including political images in the candidate’s nomination petitions, and ordered that the candidates' names be placed on the ballot in Maloney v. Janecyk

A political party (Party) filed new party nomination petitions last fall nominating a slate of candidates for village offices at the 2025 Consolidated Election. In addition to information required by the Illinois Election Code, the Party’s nomination petitions featured American flags at the top of the petition sheets. An objection was filed against the Party’s slate of candidates arguing the petition sheets violated the Election Code by containing political slogans and messages.

The Municipal Officers Electoral Board held a hearing on the objection. At the hearing, the objectors argued that including American flags on the petition sheets constituted prohibited political messaging under the Election Code. The Party candidates responded that no express provision of the Election Code prohibited displaying American flags on candidate petition sheets.

The Electoral Board ruled in favor of the objectors and issued a written order denying the Party’s candidates access to the ballot. Party candidates appealed to the circuit court, which reversed the Electoral Board’s ruling. The circuit court ruled that the Election Code’s restrictions on political slogans in candidate petition sheets only applied to names of candidates, and that the Board’s ruling improperly created a new exclusionary rule denying the Party’s candidates access to the Consolidated Election ballot.

On appeal, the Appellate Court agreed with the circuit court and ruled that as the Election Code provisions on candidate petition sheets were unambiguous, the Electoral Board improperly created a new exclusionary rule by denying the Party’s candidates access to the ballot. As no express provision of the Election Code prohibited displaying American flags in the heading of a candidate’s nomination petition sheets, the Appellate Court overturned the Electoral Board’s decision and ordered the names of Party candidates be printed on the 2025 consolidated election ballot for the village.  

Post Authored by Tyler Smith, Ancel Glink

Monday, February 17, 2025

PAC Issues Binding Opinion Requiring Public Body to Release Unlocked Version of Excel Records

The Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor (PAC) issued its first binding opinion for 2025, finding a public entity in violation of FOIA. PAC Op. 25-001

In response to a FOIA request seeking copies of Microsoft Excel budget workbooks, a County Housing Authority (Authority) disclosed password-protected locked versions of responsive workbooks. The requestor subsequently filed a request for review with the PAC, alleging that the Authority’s disclosure of password-protected Excel workbooks, instead of unlocked versions of the workbooks, restricted the functionality of the records, and that the password prevented the requestor from examining cell contents for additional information (e.g., formulas and notes). In its response to the PAC, the Authority argued that it complied with FOIA by disclosing password-protected locked workbooks, because its workbooks are maintained in a locked format.

In PAC Op. 25-001, the PAC stated that when a requestor seeks records maintained in an electronic format, Section 6(a) of FOIA requires a public body to disclose the electronic records in the format specified by the requestor, unless doing so is not feasible. The PAC further stated that when a requestor asks for a record in Excel format, that means the record must be released in a format that allows the requestor to fully exercise the functions of an Excel program with regard to that record. The PAC rejected the Authority’s argument that it complied with FOIA by disclosing password-protected locked workbooks, because the requestor specifically requested records in Excel format, and the Authority did not demonstrate that it was not feasible to unlock the workbooks and disclose unlocked versions to the requestor. Therefore, the PAC concluded that the Authority violated FOIA, because the Authority was required to disclose an unlocked version of the records that allows the requestor to fully access and exercise the functions of the Excel program.

The PAC cited a 2013 Illinois Appellate Court case (summarized here) that found a public body in violation of FOIA where a requestor had specifically asked for an Excel record in an unlocked format but was provided a locked version of that record. 

Post Authored by Eugene Bolotnikov & Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink