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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Election Calendar Changes for Spring 2025 Elections

On July 12, 2024, the Illinois State Board of Elections (ISBE) released its Abbreviated Calendar of Dates for the 2025 Consolidated Primary Election and the 2025 Consolidated Election which can be found hereWhile the ISBE abbreviated calendar can be a helpful guide for local elections, candidates for local government office and local election officials are encouraged to check with their legal counsel if they have questions regarding specific filing dates and whether they are required to file for the consolidated primary election or for the consolidated election, which will depend on a variety of factors.

The calendar takes into account two recent statutes (P.A. 103-0586 and P.A. 103-0600) that modified the petition circulation and filing periods of municipal offices for the Spring 2025 elections. Candidates and local election officials should note that many of the circulation and filing dates were moved up about a month from what they may have been used to in past elections.

Looking ahead at some of the important dates for the 2025 Consolidated Primary Election to be held on February 25, 2025: 

July 30, 2024: First day to circulate candidate petitions for primary

October 21, 2024: First day to file nomination papers for primary

October 28, 2024: Last day to file nomination papers for primary

November 4, 2024: Last day to file objections to nomination papers for primary

December 9, 2024: Last day for governing boards to adopt a resolution to allow a binding or advisory question on the ballot at primary

December 19, 2024: Ballot certification deadline for primary

February 25, 2025: Consolidated Primary Election

The below important dates are for the 2025 Consolidated Election to be held on April 1, 2025. These candidate circulation and filing dates apply to those offices that do not require a primary. 

August 20, 2024: First day to circulate petitions for consolidated election

November 12, 2024: First day to file nomination papers for consolidated election

November 18, 2024: Last day to file nomination papers for consolidated election

November 25, 2024: Last day to file objections to nomination papers for consolidated election

January 13, 2025: Last day for governing boards to adopt a resolution to allow a binding or advisory question on the ballot at consolidated election

January 23, 2025: Ballot certification deadline for consolidated election

April 1, 2025: Consolidated Election

Post Authored by Katie Nagy, Ancel Glink


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