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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

New Year, New Laws 2020 Edition

As always, there are numerous new laws that take effect in January of each year. We don't report on all of them (none of us have time for that!) but we do try to keep you informed of some of the new legislation that may affect local governments, especially those that require you to take some action.  Here's a summary of just a few of the new laws taking effect in 2020.

Equitable Restrooms Act, P.A. 101-0165
We reported on this legislation previously here.  Effective January 1, 2020, all single-occupancy restrooms in any "public building" or "place of public accommodation" must be identified as all-gender and must be marked with exterior signage that does not indicate any specific gender. Local governments should make sure that their single-occupancy restrooms are appropriately signed.

Raffles and Poker Runs Act, P.A. 101-0109
As part of the Illinois legislature's expansion of gambling and gaming in the state, the legislature also expanded laws relating to raffles and poker runs. Local governments should review their current raffles regulations to ensure they are consistent with the new state law.

Leveling the Playing Field for Illinois Retail Act, P.A. 101­0031
Some provisions of this new law took effect in June and others will take effect on January 1, 2020. Changes include an expansion of video gaming (more terminals allowed, higher bets and winnings, etc), changes to sales taxes, and the imposition of the parking excise tax that we have reported on previously. 

Human Trafficking Notices, P.A. 100-0671
Changes to the human trafficking notices law added new requirements to post notices at special events that are permitted by units of local government. More important to local governments, the law now places the enforcement obligation on the local government rather than state agencies.

Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act, P.A. 101-0027
Much has been said about the new recreational cannabis law taking effect in January, 2020, and it's likely that municipalities have already enacted zoning regulations to either regulate or opt-out of cannabis businesses. Don't forget to make sure your personnel policies are up-dated to address employment-related changes and that your police departments are ready to deal with the new expungement requirements.


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