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Friday, March 3, 2017

Save the Date: 3rd Annual Planners Legislative Action Day

Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Springfield, IL
APA-IL’s legislative action day events are open to planning professionals across the state and are designed for both first-time and previous participants. On March 14th, #PLAD17 will start with breakfast and a guest speaker from the General Assembly to discuss the importance of legislative advocacy and answer questions about the legislative process. The group will then go over a list of legislative priorities, before walking over to the Capitol to meet with legislators, attend committee meetings and House and Senate floor sessions. The event will close the day with a drinks and appetizers reception before returning home.
More details for #PLAD17 will follow soon, but as an immediate matter and depending on interest, we will provide bus transportation from the Metro East and Chicago areas. Please let Ancel Glink partner David Silverman, AICP, APA-IL Legislative Committee Chair, know whether you are interested in bus transportation from either Metro East or Chicago.
For more information, transportation arrangements, or to assist with the event, contact David Silverman at dsilverman@ancelglink.com.
Watch for #PLAD17 updates at ilapa.org/legislative-committee and via future email blasts.
Post Authored by David Silverman, Ancel Glink


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