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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

10 Most Popular Posts of 2016 To-Date

It's time for a mid-year review of Municipal Minute.  Below is a list of the 10 most popular posts in the first half of 2016:

1. Illinois Supreme Court Abolishes Public Duty Rule

2. Police Officers PSEBA Claim Barred by Statute of Limitations

3. Public Body Cannot Ban Criticism at Public Meetings

4. FOIA Bill Would Expand "News Media" to Include Social Media Users

Update:  This bill was referred to the rules committee so isn't likely to move forward this session.

5. Molly's Law Would Significantly Increase Penalties for FOIA Violations

Update:  This bill passed both houses, but the language proposing to amend FOIA was completely eliminated before it passed so the bill only amends the Wrongful Death Act. 

6. Website Transparency Bill Moves Forward

Update: This bill passed the House, but has not yet passed in the Senate.

7. Proposed Legislation Cracks Down on Public Official Expense Reimbursement

Update:  This bill has passed both houses and is now awaiting the Governor's signature.

8. Bill Would Disqualify Members of Public Body for Failure to Complete Online OMA Training

Update: This bill was referred to the rules committee so isn't likely to move forward this session.

9. Chicago Public Nudity Ban Survives Challenge

10. Municipal Minute's 1000th Post


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