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Friday, February 14, 2014

From the IML: 10 Cases Municipal Officials Should Know

In this month's Illinois Municipal Review, the IML's monthly magazine, the IML legal team reports on 10 important cases for municipalities.  All but one of these cases have been previously reported on this blog, and we have linked to each individual blog post (Q: how did we miss the Stevens case?).  

Here is the line-up:

  1. Champaign v. Madigan:  Are text messages to/from council members subject to FOIA?
  2. Hartney Fuel Oil Co. v. Hamer: Where does a sale occur for purpose of imposing a sales tax?
  3. McBurney v. Young: Is there a fundamental constitutional right to receive documents under FOIA?
  4. Peraica v. Riverside-Brookfield High School Dist: Can a local government support a referendum?
  5. Dumke v. City of Chicago:  Who is the head of the public body for FOIA exemption purposes?
  6. Lake County Grading Co. v. Village of Antioch:  What surety is required for a public works contract?
  7. Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Mgmt Dist:  What conditions can be imposed on land use permits?
  8. Stevens v. Village of Oak Brook:  Can a part-time employee agree not to take a pension?
  9. Palm v. 2800 Lake Shore Dr Condo Ass'n:  When does a statute preempt home rule authority?
  10. Omnipoint Communications v. City of Huntington Beach:  Can a municipality regulate the construction of telecom utilities on its own property?

You can review the article on the IML's website here.

Post Authored by Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink


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