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Monday, January 13, 2014

Ancel Glink to Speak at Park District Conference

The 2014 IAPD/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference is scheduled to take place on January 24-25, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.  For park district officials and employees, as well as those who work with park districts, this conference is an annual "must attend" event. 
This year, Ancel Glink attorneys will be presenting 16 sessions at the conference, as follows:
#110 -  Legal/Legislative Update
#118 - Practices and Procedures for Effective Board Meetings
#119 -  Hiring and Firing: Reducing Litigation Expenses
#120 - Park Board Wars: A Reality Show
#114 - Executive Director Evaluations
#121 -  How to Avoid Litigation Issues: Learn to Not Step in Bear Traps
#122 - Intergovernmental Agreements: Getting the Best Deal for Your Side
#123 - Director Contracts: Hiring and Exiting Contracts
#124 - Park District Use of Social Media: Navigating the Legal Landscape
#125 -  Personnel Policy Manuals: Tips and Tricks to Make Less Litigation and Better Accountability in Your Manual
#126 -  Guns, Drugs and E-Cigarettes: How is it Impacting Park Safety and Your Work Environment 
#127 -  Obamacare: Impacting Park Districts
#128 - Your Employees Are On Social Media: What Can You Do About It?
#204 - Picture Perfect Procurement: A Primer on Purchasing Procedures, Policies and Possibilities
#307 -  Nuts and Bolts of Finance Ordinance Procedure
#424 -  Dealing with Bullying

You can register for the conference here and get a preview of the sessions here.


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