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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gun Regulations Under the New Second Amendment

In light of the recent Seventh Circuit decision in Moore v. Madigan (overturning Illinois' concealed carry ban), local government officials must consider the effect of expanding rights under the Second Amendment when regulating handguns, including gun shops, firing ranges, and home occupations.

In an article recently published in the American Bar Association's The Urban Lawyer, Ancel Glink attorneys Dan Bolin and Brent Denzin review the emerging constitutional framework, and how communities can permissibly regulate gun-related land uses.  In When All Heller Breaks Loose, local government and land use officials learn that more evidence will be needed to support a gun regulation when that regulation strikes closer to the core Second Amendment right -- the right to possess a handgun for self-defense. Check out When All Heller Breaks Loose:  Gun Regulation Considerations for Zoning and Planning Officials Under the New Second Amendment, 44 Urb. Law. 677 (2012).


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