Illinois General Assembly Spring Session Ends
The Illinois General Assembly adjourned its spring session over the weekend. Before the session ended, the General Assembly acted on a few bills of interest to local governments. We have summarized a few of these below for informational purposes but note that these bills have not been enacted and are awaiting Governor action. We will report on a few other bills of interest over the next couple of weeks and provide updates if these bills become law.
Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act (SB 1476)
We previously reported on this bill that proposed certain changes to the AHPAA. Note that the version that passed the Illinois Senate and House is substantially different than what was originally introduced. The version that passed both houses would retain the current definition of an "exempt" municipality as a municipality that has at least 10% of its housing stock as "affordable" or a municipality with a population of less than 1,000. The bill does modify the reporting requirements for non-exempt municipalities, including a new requirement that non-exempt municipalities submit a report of their progress to the Illinois Housing Development Authority no later than 4 years after adopting or updating their plans. The bill also includes a requirement that plans include a proposed timeline of actions for implementation, and a summary of actions already taken. The bill also modifies the appeals process for developers.
Law Enforcement Drone Surveillance (HB 3902)
If signed by the Governor, this bill would modify the "Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act" to authorize law enforcement agencies to conduct drone surveillance of parades, races and other "routed events," and certain outdoor special events hosted by a unit of local government. The bill would not allow use of drones for protests, marches, demonstrations, or other First Amendment protected activities. The bill includes detailed regulations regarding law enforcement use of drones and requires law enforcement agencies using drones under these provisions to adopt a policy consistent with the bill.
If this bill is signed by the Governor, it would expressly exempt Internet streaming services from cable/video franchise fees.