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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2 Great Land Use Programs You Shouldn't Miss in August

Our first program is scheduled for August 14th.  Ancel Glink attorneys Dan Bolin and Greg Jones will participate in a webinar titled "Guns, Pot, and Sex:  Regulating Controversial Land Uses" hosted by the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA).

A summary of the session is below:
The title says it all. IMLA shamelessly plays to your interests in sensational and prurient subjects -- the only thing that might be done to get a better turnout for this teleconference would be to have Channing Tatum and Miley Cyrus on the panel. Guns, cannabis, sexually oriented businesses are hot button issues and often have blighting effects. Learn how to deal with them in this teleconference.
The webinar is scheduled for noon to 1:00 pm (central time).  You can learn more about it on IMLA's website here and register here.

Our second program will be on August 21st. Ancel Glink attorney Dan Bolin will participate in the panel presentation "Realizing Potential:  Land Banks, Demolition & Planning for Vacant Land" hosted by the American Planning Association - Chicago Metro Section.  

A summary of the session is below:
The Great Recession has shown us that no community is immune to blight, leaving municipalities throughout the country in need of strategies to stabilize neighborhoods and commercial districts stressed by high rates of vacancy.  In some cases, communities are repurposing vacant properties for entirely different uses.  In other instances, properties with no clearly defined future are being repositioned for a variety of potential uses.  Come learn how other communities are using new and innovative tools to win the fight against blight and vacancy.
Details about the seminar are below:

WHEN: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
WHERE: Metcalfe Federal Building, Lake Michigan Room, 12th Floor, 77 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago IL 60604
COST: $15 paid at the door ($5 for students); checks payable to APA-CMS
RSVP: To RSVP, please email cms@ilapa.org by August 19th


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